This is part of the Med in Small Doses series, which aims to give you a snapshot of a disease or disorder. For information about the series, or common abbreviations click here.
Use → Abuse → Dependence → Addiction
Drug dependence: Symptoms when an individual continues use of a substance despite issues with usage
Drug tolerance: effect of the drug decreases with repeated use; often associated with dependence
Drugs of Abuse
- Opioids (e.g. Morphine, Heroin)
- Depressants (e.g. Ethanol, Barbiturates, Ketamine)
- Anxiolytics/Hypnotics (e.g. Benzodiazepines GHB)
- Psychomotor stimulants (e.g. Cocaine MDMA Nicotine)
- Psychotomimetics (e.g. LSD, Cannabis)
- Male,
- Genetics,
- Physiological vulnerability
- Psychological factors (e.g. poor quality family relationships, depression)
- Personality (e.g. response to stress)
- Psychosocial factors (e.g. ↓ SES)
Drug Dependence (DSM-IV)
W ithdrawal
H arm – continued use despite harm
A ctivity - ↓ social, recreational & occupational
T olerance
D esire – persistent
A mount – more than intended
T ime – spent seeking/using/recovering
Drug Abuse (DSM-IV)
S ocial/interpersonal problems
L egal problems
U se in dangerous situations
R ole – failure to fulfil role at home, work, etc
Tx: Psychological - Motivational interviewing, 12-step programs (e.g. AA), Relapse prevention, CBT
Pharmacological - Principles behind pharmacological treatments.
- Substitution
- Inhibit the drug response
- Aversive therapy
- Modification of craving
Education - Harm minimisation (e.g. safe use), mixing drugs, abstinence from all substances promoted , etc.
Consequences of Abuse: To individual, family & society.
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