Rural Emergency Medicine

MedED is weekly conversation on Twitter about topics relating to issues in medical education, including its dissemination into social media. It typically takes place weekly on Thursdays (for most, Fridays for us Australians).

The most recent chat topic was of interest to me, partly for the obvious reason of being a Medstudent, but also my involvement in developing (Individually: See Mobile Apps; Feedback for Elsevier Australia) apps for Mobile Devices.

This week's chat was on the use of Tablets in Medicine.

Various members of the #MedED community outlined ways they use the iPad (e.g. reading journal articles, skyping patients), the downsides of its' use (e.g. interfering with patient interaction) and the implications. For now I've done a quick of overview of their chat, but I hope to raise some further points later next week.

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