Rural Emergency Medicine

Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability.
Sir William Osler

Practicing Evidenced Based Medicine has come to be seen as the way forward for modern medicine; Where investigations, procedures and diagnoses, can be backed up with statistics and data.

Rx-Bayes brings an aspect of EBM to the mobile environment, by serving up a dose of Bayesian reasoning in a neatly bundled app. Developed by Drs. Zain Hakeem and Atif Shahnawaz with the aim of assisting clinicians in using Bayesian reasoning at the bedside.

But what is Bayesian Reasoning?
Wiki (every students trusted resource) defines the Bayesian interpretation of probability as “To evaluate the probability of a hypothesis, the Bayesian probabilist specifies some prior probability, which is then updated in the light of new relevant data.”

A closer look
Rx-Bayes is broken down into four main components.
  • Main: Where a graphical representation is used to convey Bayesian theory, reflecting post-test likelihood of a positive and negative result. The bars correspond to (from left to right) pre-test probability, test sensitivity, test specificity, positive post-test probability and negative post-test probability. The first three are adjustable, whilst the last two reveal the probability calculations.
  • Pre-test: A catalogue of scores which influence pre-test probability (e.g. Well’s Score for DVT)
  • Test: A catalogue of common tests which can be selected to view there specificity and sensitivity.
  • Custom Tests: Create your own tests, using sensitivity/specificity data.

    Material is cited and where possible the most appropriate gold standard is utilised for reference. Checkout the video below for a guided tour.


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