The aim of this guide is provide an approach and resources to those intending to work as Rural Generalists and in particular registrars preparing for assessment in the Emergency Medicine Advanced Skill through the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
Note it is not the official work of ACRRM, but rather a collection of self-made and FOAMed Resources from across the web.
Official Resources
Please always check to ensure you have the latest information regarding the curriculum and assessment requirements.Recommended Reading as per ACRRM
- Cameron, P et al: Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, Edinburgh – Churchill Livingstone.
- Cameron, P et al: Textbook of Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Edinburgh – Churchill Livingstone.
- Rosen: Emergency Medicine
- Tintinalli, J et al: Emergency Medicine, a comprehensive study guide, New York -McGraw-Hill.
- ACRRM online learning:
- Bersten A, Soni N, Oh T: Oh’s Intensive Care Manual, Edinburgh - ButterworthHeinemann.
- McRae R, Esser M: Practical fracture treatment, Edinburgh - Churchill Livingstone.
- Murray L et al: Toxicology Handbook, Sydney - Elsevier
- Shann, F: Drug doses, Parkville Vic - Collective.
- Australian Medicines Handbook: Drug Choice Companion Emergency Care, Adelaide
- Australian Medicines Handbook Pty Ltd.
STAMPs Proforma
This is an approach I use to prepare for the formal assessment after receiving the stem. You may also find it useful for preparing responses, however feel free to adapt it as you see fit.STAMPS Study Guide
The following topics which will be covered progressively in this guide. The study guide is largely structured to address aspects of the ACRRM STAMPS Proforma above. Topics which are available for reading will have: Topic - current as of date.Airway
Severe AsthmaTension Pneumothorax
Anaphylaxis and Allergies (including ASCIA guidelines)
Acute Pulmonary Oedema
Acute Coronary Syndrome- STEMI/NTSTEMI - current as of June 2018
- Thrombolytics for AMI - current as of June 2018
- Contraindications to Thrombolysis - current as of June 2018
- Sgarbossa Criteria (AMI w/ LBBB)
- Chest Pain Descriptors Associated With AMI
- Chest Pain Risk Stratification
- TIMI Score / Risk
- San Francisco Syncope Rule (“CHESS” mnemonic)
- ECG in Syncope
Pulmonary Embolism
Aortic Dissection (thoracic)
An Approach to Arrhythmias
Infective Endocarditis
Critical Care.
Sepsis- SIRS, Sepsis & Septic Shock
- Management of Septic Shock
- Antibiotics in Sepsis
DKA ManagementDiabetic HHS
Hyperthyroidism + Thyroid Storm
Hypothyroidism + Myxoedema Coma
Adrenal Insufficiency
Hypokalaemia / Hyperkalaemia
Upper GIT Bleeding- Causes of Upper GIT bleeding
- Clinical features mandating urgent endoscopy
General Surgery
Abdominal Aortic AnuersymAppendicitis
- Alvarado Score (Appendicitis)
- Ranson Criteria (Pancreatitis)
Intestinal Obstruction
Transfusion ReactionsAnaemias
Acute Rheumatic FeverInfectious Diseases
HIV/AIDSFever in a Returned Traveler
Stroke - current as of June 2018Seizure - current as of July 2018
Head Trauma - current as of June 2018
Subarachnoid HaemorrhageMeningitis
Cerebral abscess
Brainstem: Rule of 4’s
Common Eye ComplaintsThe Red Eye
Angle Closure Glaucoma
Ruptured Globe / Penetrating Eye Injury
Elbow XrayElbow Dislocation
Shoulder Dislocations
Shoulder Relocation Techniques
Distal Radial Fractures (Colles, Smith & Barton)
Forearm Fractures
Scaphoid Fracture
Scapholunate Dissociation
Lunate & Perilunate Dislocations
Ottawa Knee Rules
Ottawa Ankle Rules
Lower Leg Compartments
Lower Leg Fractures
Approach the Seriously Ill Child provides a structured approach to Paediatric Assessment.For more guidelines and the management of other conditions go to Royal Children Hospital Clinical Guidelines and do APLS.
Psychiatric / Mental Health
Acute Psychosis/Agitated PatientsSuicide Risk Assessment
Renal + Electrolytes.
Causes of acute renal failureRIFLE criteria
Indications for haemodialysis
Sodium & Free-water correction
Causes of rhabdomyolysis
Hypotensive dialysis patient
Approach to ToxicologySnake Bite / Envenomation
Osmolar Gap
Anticholinergic Syndrome
Cholinergic Crisis
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Serotonin Syndrome
Dialysable Drugs
Ultimate Guide to Trauma - current as of June 2016Cervical Spine X-rays
NEXUS Low-risk Criteria
Canadian C-spine Rules
Penetrating Neck Trauma (Hard & Soft Signs)
Rapid Sequence IntubationLumbar puncture
Chest Drain insertion
Central Venous Line insertion
Procedural Sedation
Biers Block
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